Top Ten male models

1. LEVI POULTER (DEBUT): He’s back with a vengeance! And a whole lot more fur on his torso. While some of you expressed displeasure over Levi’s personality issues, most of you don’t really care as long as he keeps taking his clothes off and posing for pretty pictures.

2. NICK YOUNGQUEST (LW – 2, W8): It’ll be a shame if Nick doesn’t come out on top for at least one week. For six rounds of The Ten, he’s patiently waited his turn behind Tommy Tucker. And did we mention that he was only seven votes away from stealing the number one spot?

3. ZEB RINGLE (LW – 6, W2): Third place ain’t half bad, eh? Though we’d like to consider this a more impressive debut, we were convinced Zeb would pull off something even more extraordinary. Apparently, he’s no match for Tucker and Youngquest…

4. TOMMY TUCKER (LW – 1, W8): It’ll only take two weeks for Tommy Tucker to sweep the entire countdown. This would make him the first man to ever accomplish this feat, and it doesn’t look like his competition will make it any easier for him. Can he make it happen? Well, his fate is in your hands…

5. MATT KIRKHAM (DEBUT): If it weren’t for his damn haircut, we’d say Matt is a shoo-in for the number one spot. Alas, his messy blond locks may be his downfall in this competition. Let’s hope he at least makes it onto next week’s charts, and then we can work on booking him a trip to the barber. Not that we don’t like his hair or anything. Y’all are just so damn picky!

6. BO BERTA (DEBUT): Sure, we could have chosen a much more scandalous picture to represent this guy, but can you blame us for choosing this one? We’re digging the boy-next-door quality of this shot. Not to mention that his body looks fantastic…

7. MATT AYMAR (DEBUT): Nearly two-hundred readers hit the “Like” button for Matt Aymar, so we must have done something right when we posted his pics. Pardon me while I contemplate all the things I’d like to lick off this stud’s rock solid body.

8. ANDREW STETSON (DEBUT): Does Rick Day ever fail to deliver the goods? One of his latest shoots features model Andrew Stetson, and it’s been getting an extremely positive response in these parts. Speaking of parts, have you seen the bulge Andrew’s packing?

9. MAIKO LIMA (DEBUT): I can’t look at this picture without getting hypnotized by Maiko’s perfect abs. While there were some pretty absurd comments on this man’s post, we’d like to move past those and embrace him for all his beautifulness. So what are you waiting for? Get to embracing!

10. LEANDRO OKABE (DEBUT): Sometimes, it pays off to leave a comment with a suggestion for next week’s rankings. We took your tip in regards to Leandro Okabe, and the response he received was quite tremendous. Now if only he’d do another damn photo shoot!